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Greetings and honors meeting of Janata Group was held in Kuwait

In Kuwait a congratulatory meeting and reception was held on the occasion of awarding the Medal to Janata General Trading Company’s Branch Manager and Salesman of the Year, who has been serving for more than thirty years.

Alhaj Abul Kashem, proprietor of Janata General Trading Company, was present as the chief guest. function organized by morulekha’s co-editor Nasir Uddin Khokon at a restaurant in Fahaheel area of ​​Kuwait yesterday.

Also present were expatriate organizer and media personality Abdur Rauf Mawla, community leader Mithun Selim, family forum kuwait’s president Abdul Hai Bhuiyan, Community’s journalist Moin Uddin Sumon and AH Jubed & many others.

The speakers praised the Bangladeshi organization Janata Group for providing various services.
They said, we are getting different Bangladeshi products very easily.  The company have been importing Bangladeshi products for more than three decades.

The guests handed over the Medal of Branch Manager and Salesman of the Year to the three employees of the ccompany.

At the end of the program with the traditional host food of Chittagong.


A h Jubed

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Agrodristi Media Group

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Editor in chief & Agrodristi Media Group’s Director. AH Jubed
Legal adviser. Advocate Musharrof Hussain Setu (Supreme Court,Dhaka)
Editor in chief Health Affairs Dr. Farhana Mobin (Square Hospital, Dhaka)
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Greetings and honors meeting of Janata Group was held in Kuwait

In Kuwait a congratulatory meeting and reception was held on the occasion of awarding the Medal to Janata General Trading Company’s Branch Manager and Salesman of the Year, who has been serving for more than thirty years.

Alhaj Abul Kashem, proprietor of Janata General Trading Company, was present as the chief guest. function organized by morulekha’s co-editor Nasir Uddin Khokon at a restaurant in Fahaheel area of ​​Kuwait yesterday.

Also present were expatriate organizer and media personality Abdur Rauf Mawla, community leader Mithun Selim, family forum kuwait’s president Abdul Hai Bhuiyan, Community’s journalist Moin Uddin Sumon and AH Jubed & many others.

The speakers praised the Bangladeshi organization Janata Group for providing various services.
They said, we are getting different Bangladeshi products very easily.  The company have been importing Bangladeshi products for more than three decades.

The guests handed over the Medal of Branch Manager and Salesman of the Year to the three employees of the ccompany.

At the end of the program with the traditional host food of Chittagong.


A h Jubed

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সর্বশেষ খবর

Agrodristi Media Group

Advertising,Publishing & Distribution Co.

Editor in chief & Agrodristi Media Group’s Director. AH Jubed
Legal adviser. Advocate Musharrof Hussain Setu (Supreme Court,Dhaka)
Editor in chief Health Affairs Dr. Farhana Mobin (Square Hospital, Dhaka)
Social Welfare Editor: Rukshana Islam (Runa)

Head Office

UN Commercial Complex. 1st Floor
Office No.13, Hawally. KUWAIT
Phone. 00965 65535272
Email. /

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